And here are some reactions.
... I couldn't take it seriously. I HATE when people laugh at movies, because it takes me out of the show. But I couldn't resist! There were so many places that were ridiculous. A child 'roaring', pretty much all the yelling, the cool poses that Wolverine kept taking that must've looked awesome in storyboarding form but pretty silly when someone takes them, the slow motion walk away from an explosion.
I enjoyed it enough to make it worth my money, but my goodness. I hate it when a movie that should be good is... Um... Less than.
That bit with nekkid Wolverine running into the barn though? Win. Though I did wonder why Ma and Pa Kent were in the Marvel universe.
The claws? MOST OBVIOUS CG EVER. They NEVER looked real, they always looked like some kind of cartoon claws. It reminded me of the guns in Roger Rabbit, how they cartoonily made things look like metal. The claws made me angry everytime we saw them. I wondered why they didn't put real claws on his hands for the shots that they didn't need to be going in or out of his hands, but they were ALWAYS doing that. Or tearing through tissue paper metal, or something.
Speaking of... Worst CG scene in the entire film (IMO) was when Sabertooth went up to Wolverine's girlfriend and managed to tear the metal on the hood of her car. From what I understand, those are bone extensions, not magical adamantium sharp claws, right? Why was there no resistance when he ripped through the metal? The hood behaved like wet tissue. *I* could have torn through it.
Sabertooth's all fours run had NO WEIGHT at all. It was obvious wirework, and it just felt forced. We laughed when he was 'running' as well, because it was just completely unconvincing. Lookit my hands touch the ground! That means I'm running! Wheeeeee!
There was unnecesary CG planes, unnecesary CG helicopters, and unnecessary CG fields. Because there are no fields anywhere to film in.
There were also some really sweet compositions at the end of the film, but they just felt so FORCED. I think I didn't like them because if you're creating the entire world in the computer and just putting in green screened actors, then it is artificial by design. I know there was no way to *actually* have pieces of nuclear reactor just laying around, but still.
I'm a little worried about the shift from shooting on location to shooting in green screen rooms. Computers can't get reality yet, and I'm worried about when they can. Everything that goes into something that you're greenscreening has to come from a person's brain, there are never any mistakes or happy accidents.
Though it makes jobs for us, so what am I complaining about?