I think the drawing in the middle shows what sort of attitude I'm looking for with her. Kind of cocky. Perhaps it's through this cockiness that she isolates herself from the rest of the Dryad's in the forest?

Whoop, this one came out a little bit larger than I had intended... They just wouldn't fit on the other page. She's supposed to be doing a bit of a 'frankenstein' impression. Or Frankenstein's MONSTER, I should say. Must be correct about these things, mustn't we?

Doodles of Keb and Lindley interacting. I rather enjoy that she didn't paint him fishing at all, but rather waving. Isn't that what we're supposed to do with life drawing? Take something and then make a story out of it? (I might be exagerating, a little.)
Bottom one is more of a size relationship thing. I think Keb might be too small.

Various things they'd do together. Keb hanging christmas balls on Lindley's ears (don't they just ask for it?), Lindley examining a cookie that Keb's baked, she's not sure if she should trust it. He did say he was putting in bug guts when he was dumping in these brown bits... (They're chocolate chips.) Bottom left is Lindley getting her own back, scaring Keb with ghooo-oost storiesssss. And using those creepy eye covers to their full effect. Bottom right is digging for treasure!
I feel much better now. I enjoyed drawing her, and I really enjoyed doodling things that the two of them would do together. None of this'll end up in the finished film, of course, but you need to know the history of your characters and what happens after the story ends, right?